35. How many hours/day and what months do the children attend school? Describe the school environment. Abla: 9 months/year in the American School of Kuwait. Ali: 9 months/year in Montessori school. 36. What type of health care do you receive? All health care is free and provided by the government. 37. What form of birth control do you use? Birth control pills. 38. Does your family feel safe? Yes. 39. Do you lock your door at night? Yes. 40. Have you ever been robbed? We have never been robbed except during the Iraqi invasion. 41. Do you do anything to protect yourselves? We have two dogs for protection. Family Leisure 42. Describe what you do during your leisure time. Go to the Kuwait Sea Club and visit friends at our home. 43. What does your family do for fun? Hours/week? Visit friends: 7 hours Music: 2 hours TV: 10 hours Arts: 1 hour Other: 20 hours/week reading